Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Health and Fitness

It's been so long since I've blogged, but I'm back with a new attitude and perspective. For the past 4 years I've failed to find the right motivation and consume a good dedication to stay fit and cut out all junk food out of my life and get more fit and because a health freak, it would only last for a good month or two and then I completely lose faith because of my love for food. Reason being is because I have a very fast metabolism, so I'm slim and slender size 4 but somehow still out of shape I'm not the shape I want to be. So I eat any and everything I want because I know I won't gain a heavy amount of weight, but the bad news is I gain them in the wrong area, which is my tummy.

So this year I found my inspiration who is my cousin, you can find her Tumblr by Clicking Here she's also doing this diet of eating healthy and ditch all junk foods. I will also be blogging about my daily intakes and make them a routine, my workouts for my Upper, Lower and Mid-section part. I will be exercising almost twice a day, Mornings I do cardio and after noon I go to the Gym to tone up a little more. Researching more about Health&Fitness, taking a few Zumba classes and change my grocery list. My goals are to gain a few inches around my hips, biceps and triceps and ofcourse my buttocks. Cannot Wait to start this process and make it into a Habit! Toodles Guys :) and Wish me Luck. If you also would like to join my Journey just let me know I will be here to support you down the line.